r programing - CLASSIC CODER #header (Ativar o PHP)

R Basics-21 - Coding-String and Date (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Date Conversion Perform the following tasks: . Convert the string S in the function parameter to a va…

R Basics-26 - Coding-Iterations-2 (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Iterations Perform the following tasks: . Write a function sum_whole that find the sum of the first N…

R Basics-25 - Coding-Iterations-1 (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Factorial . Write a function Nfact to find the factorial of the number num passed as arguments using…

R Basics-7 - Coding-Handling 'NA' (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Handling NA values Perform the following task: 1. Remove the NA and odd values from the vector V pass…

R Basics-2 - Coding- Date and Time in R (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Date and Time in R Perform the following tasks: 1. Create a string "25-12-2016" and convert…

R Basics-11 - Coding-Conditional Operations- which() (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Conditional operation - which() Perform the following tasks: 1. Identify the position of the values g…

R Basics-19 - Coding-Vector Operations (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Vector Operations Perform the following tasks: 1. Create a vector X as a sequence of numbers from a t…

R Basics-4 - Coding-Vectors and Matrices (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Vectors and Matrices Perform the following tasks: 1. Create a vector V with values 1 to 9 2. Create a …

R Basics-10 - Coding-Conditional Operations- if/else (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Conditional - If/Else Perform the following tasks: 1. Check each value of the vector V passed as argu…

R Basics-17 -Coding- Factors and Levels-2 (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Factors and Levels Perform the following tasks: 1. Find the factor of the vector V passed as function…

R Basics-1 - Coding-Factors and Levels (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Factors and Levels Perform the following tasks: 1. Create a vector variable with the values  "y…

R Basics-6 -Coding- Random Numbers (Hands On) - ClassiCoder

Random Numbers Perform the following tasks: 1. Create a vector V of random numbers of float with len…

R Basics-12 - Coding- for() Loops in R (Hands On) - ClassiCoder.com

1. FOR LOOP Perform the following tasks: 1. Find the sum of all even numbers in the  Vector V (passed a…